This article explains how to build and configure an Experience template to represent a component in your app.
What's an Experience template?
An Experience template represents a component in your app, like a call-to-action, banner, video, or form. Once you've set them up, they can be added to Collections.
How do I access the templates page?
Sign in to your mtribes account and select a Space to work in. Open the Templates page using the vertical navigation on the left-hand side of the screen. On opening, you'll see two tabs - Collection templates and Experience templates. Select the Experience templates tab to open the page.
How do I build my Experience template?
1. Name and/or add a new category
To name your category, start typing in the text box that says Untitled, located at the top of the page. You can rename your categories at a later stage if you want to. To add a new category, hover your cursor under the example card and click on + Category.
2. Add and name an Experience
Click on + Experience to create your first template. This will open up a new screen, where you can begin by giving your Experience a name. We suggest naming it something that represents the corresponding component in your app. Each name must be unique and consistent with naming rules.
3. Edit the type
To edit the type of component, click on the default image to open the Set image pop-up screen. You can choose from a variety of pre-set images or you can upload your own image in a PNG or JPEG format of a maximum of 8MB in size. Hit Confirm at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
4. Add properties
To configure your Experience, drag-and-drop properties from the selection menu on the right-hand side of your screen. You can add a range of properties including a text field, calendar, on/off Switch, tags, and many more.
Note: after installing AXIS or FORGE plugins, elements from that plugin will appear within the Experience template right-hand side configuring menu.
5. Name and personalize properties
Click on the property to expand and reveal the property setting tabs. You'll see three tabs:
Details - name your property. NB: Once you give your property a name, a property key is generated. This key cannot be altered to eliminate mismatching of keys after the code is generated. If you need to change it - delete this property and create a new one.
Rules - apply settings to your property. This includes making it a required field or limiting the character count or number range depending on the type of property.
Appearance - define what message or text will appear on your property.
6. Save your Experiences
Hit Update at the top of the screen to save each Experience. All the Experience templates you create in this step will automatically appear on your Collection templates page for the next step.
Next - Collection templates