Segment your key audiences into Tribes and track using parameter filters.
Configure Tribe rules Apply segmentation rules for tracking Tribe activity and reach.* This article describes how to configure and apply ...
Event-based Tribes Learn what an event-based Tribe is and how to set one up.* This article describes what an event-based Tribe is and ...
Tribes user journey - infographic A visual summary of key areas of the Tribes user journey.* A visual summary of key areas of the Tribes user journ...
Create your first Tribe Setting up your first Tribe on mtribes? Read this first.* This article describes what audience Tribes are, how to s...
Customize Tribe cards Learn how to visually personalize your Tribe cards.* This article discovers how to give your Tribe cards a little f...
What are contextual properties? Learn how to track custom audiences with contextual properties.* This article details how to track custom audiences...
What are user tags? Learn what user tags are and how to manage them.* This article describes what user tags are, how you can use them i...
Contextual properties vs user tags What's the difference between contextual properties and user tags?* This article details the difference between con...
Reserved categories for events Reserved category names when defining custom events for Tribes.* This article contains the full list of reserved ca...
Countries, country codes, and definitions Countries in our Tribe filter list, their ISO 3166-1 country codes, and defintions.* This article outlines countrie...